Join the real Bus, don't hang out with them!

The German Bus Trip To The Party!
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Hi guys!

I`m here to announce the following for the 6TH YEAR IN ROW now about the following event:
If you are interested to come to THE PARTY 2k+1 this x-mas taking place in AARS from 27th December 2001 at 9am to 29th December 2000 at 3pm and you still don`t know how, you might find certain interest in the following offer:

I`m again about to organize a BIG BUS from a well-known big travel-bus-agency to bring a total amount of *48* up to *72* cool sceners TO and of course also BACK from THE PARTY 2k+1 place this year!
The Bus is leaving from Munich all the way through Germany till Denmark.

The ticket price for THE BUS is set at ONLY: *** 310,-- D-Mark *** (this price already INCLUDES party ENTRANCE!) per Person!

GREAT Advantages:
GREAT ADVANTAGES for *YOU* if you go with this bus:
ALL people driving with THE BUS are already REGISTERED and RESERVED for THE PARTY ! So there will be ENOUGH tables and a NICE VIEW towards the BIG SCREEN for all the competitions for you. (special reservation!) (this exclusive registration SERVICE done by the BUS-organizer will be ONLY available to BUS-attendants!!!)
you don`t have to worry about anybody of your friends having to catch enough sleep at and during THE PARTY place to be able to drive you home very tired by car after the event. (pretty high risk of causing an accident when falling asleep behind the car's steering wheel!!! :( )
You *DO NOT* have to worry to order entrance tickets for THE PARTY... All tickets will be PRE-ORDERED for ALL people in THE BUS for the EASIEST and most comfortable way to attend the party without any hurry nor worries!
THE BUS will arrive at the VERY BEGINNING of THE PARTY (at 9am in the morning! on 27th Dec.) so you won`t miss the GREAT opening ceremony held every year which starts the whole party for the next 3 days!
THE BUS is a *****-Star-Bus and equipped with pure luxuary things! (toilets, refridgerator, kitchen, stereo sound, video-screens, sleeping seats, cordless phone and enough storage room for luggage and computer equipment etc...)
THE BUS will PICK UP all you sceners all over germany at certain places during the whole travel and will also bring all people BACK for EASY returning to their homes.
THE BUS is much CHEAPER than for example going by train from wherever in germany! (See BUS-TRAIN COMPARISM TABLE)
THE BUS will provide lotsa fun with well-known sceners and all your good friends during the travel without any problems.
won`t need to search through all your maps and map-books to find the correct route to tell your driver to find THE PARTY place. THE BUS will drive DIRECTLY TO THE PARTY place without worrying!
THE BUS will arrive DIRECTLY at THE PARTY place in Aars. So you step out of THE BUS and walk DIRECTLY INTO the party-hall-entrance! (If you go by train you can only arrive at Aalborg train-station and have to drive another pretty long trip by bus to the REAL party-place!)
Here is my phone number just in case you ran into some trouble and need to reach me very urgently: (also during the bus-trip of course... take it with you if you are booked for THE BUS!)

0172 / 851 58 00 (call it 24 hours a day!)

In case of an answering machine, please leave your name and number and I'll call you back as soon as possible...

Please register online and make sure to fill in the _complete_ form.
I guess this is a great idea for many of the sceners to get TO and BACK from THE PARTY event this year.
If you think the same don`t hesitate and enter the registration area on this site to register your seat in THE BIG BUS!

(if more people register a bus for up to 72 people can be ordered instead)

But naturally THE BUS gets filled up pretty QUICKLY, please make sure to register for the bus as soon as possible as I have to order the bus soon.

So don`t wait too long as THE BUS might be FULL then and you won`t be able to get a ticket for yourself! It's never sure that we can get enough people for the big bus (72 people), so don't rely on that one ;)

The money _must_ have been wired to the bank account *successfully* and LATEST till MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER! (15.11.2001!!!) (you may of course check the site AFTER that date as well, maybe we still got some free seats left! But that's YOUR risk! So in general: The earlier the better!! :) )

That`s all!
Have fun and JOIN THE BUS!!

Signing off:
Weasel - THE BUS organizer!! :)


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